RE: Re: Eurmali Plausible?

From: donald_at_...
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 19:07:13 GMT

In message <20050727164658.BDQM19483.aamta09-winn.ispmail.ntl.com_at_homemaster> "Jane Williams" writes:

>But the alternatives may be worse. Losing his life immediately,
and in a much worse way. *Keeping* his freedom.... It's worth
>remembering that Tricksters aren't happy jesters. They're insane,
>often self-hating, leading a miserable existance that isn't even
>on the fringes of society. I'd guess they often starve to death
>even if no-one puts them out of their misery -

Where's the joke in starving to death?

No, the joke is the Eurmali starves till they wish they were dead and then some absurd circumstance finds them enough food to survive a little longer.

Of course if someone helps them, that someone ends up being the target of the next joke.

>how do you hunt when you're hallucinating half the time? How do
>you stay warm in winter when you can't build a stead, have no-one
>to share it with, and don't have the foresight to realise you need
>firewood until the snow has already started to fall?

I suspect many do have the foresight, they just get distracted.

Donald Oddy

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