Re: Lunar otherworld?

From: Roderick J & Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 21:59:03 -0700

>But can't a Lunar theist say "I choose to concentrate in theism, not

There is no such thing as a "Lunar Theist" (or "Lunar Animist", or "Lunar Sorceror"). Either you're Lunar, or you're Theist (animist/sorcerer).

Now, you can *not* concentrate, and have feats from your Dara Happan god and whatever magic from your Lunar Entity, but that's like not concentrating and having feats from your Heortling God and fetishes from your Praxian Tradition.

It will be explained in ILH2. Really. Or if you are really jonesing for the info, the files are up for GTA Heroes.

>The reason I ask is--in the case of, f'r'ex, dragon magic, the books
>specifically say "Yes, we sometimes treat it as being like charms or
>spells or feats, but it really isn't at all like those--it's just

Lunar magic is treated as if it were feats/charms/spells/etc. But it comes from the Lunar otherworld, and requires Lunar worship to access it.

But in the case of Lunar magic, it seems like those 'feats'
>*really are* feats--they're available to people who've concentrated
>theism, and they're blocked off from people who concentrated in
>just like any other cult's feats. It's just that there are *two* ways
>get Jakaleel fetishes at the half-price 'concentrated' rate--*either*
>concentrating in animism, *or* by concentrating in Lunar magic.

No. This is (will be) no longer true. To worship a Lunar being and get magic from it (without misapplied worship penalties) you must worship via the Lunar Way.


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