RE: Re: Magic systems and the nature of Glorantha

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 08:27:36 +0100


> I also played in a 2 GM game, and when we faced
> each other for the finale an augment race commenced that was fun at
> first but did get a bit silly. The narrators (both fine fellows and
> excellent GM's) reigned us in and got the excellent scenario back on
> track!!

I was there, I was one of those players, and guilty as charged. But then, Bad Boon Rising/Beak no Evil is *meant to be silly. And the "rule" that any ability was relevant if you could get a bad pun or a lithp into it probably didn't help.

"Fight in Wain", intended to be used for damp weather, was used for fighting in a cartful of hay, invented for that very purpose...

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