Re: Digest Number 2194

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 15:13:47 -0400

On Wed, 2005-03-08 at 18:51 +0100, Trotsky wrote:

> >Oh good. That's useful. (I don't suppose there are rules for going the
> >other way?)
> >
> No, there aren't (not unreasonably, IMO, given the subject of the book).

Not unreasonable at all.

> Mind you, I wouldn't expect that there would need to be special rules
> for that - AFAIK, it would be just like any other conversion, with
> spirits of retribution (or whatever they're called these days) and all
> that sort of thing. The Lunars are unusual in that they have methods
> that let you dodge some of the usual obstacles to changing your religion
> and abandoning/betraying your original society.

Good point. And as always, these spirits of retribution depend a lot on the nature of the betrayal as well. (A devotee is not an initiate is not a communal worshipper etc.)


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