RE: Extreme heroquesting (was Re: Wizardly HQing_)

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 11:51:27 -0500

>From: "parental_unit_2" <parental_unit_2_at_...>

>OK, so the idea is the wizard/sorcerer doesn't take the role of anything in
>the Hero Plane and doesn't follow a myth.

Well, I think that the "myth" in this case, is the story of the first guy who did it. That is, perhaps Saint Soandso went here, did this, then went there and put the things together, etc. Or there's a story of the essential unicorn's path to a certain enlightenment that you can follow. The point is that as long as the path of the previous guy is followed, you'll get the expected result in all likelihood.

Now you can go and leave this path and do what you want, but then this becomes experimental heroquesting. Which is what the first guy was doing that created the "myth." Then your act may become myth over time and become a path for others to follow...


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