Re: Ideas needed...

From: parental_unit_2 <parental_unit_2_at_...>
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2005 02:41:31 -0000

> There's more to the Orlanthi than just Heortlings. Among the
> Heortlings, Uleria is despised yet we know of at least one place
> where she is worshipped without rancor. In places like the
> Holy Country, Uleria seems to be accepted.

Good point. Even among Heortlings, there seems to be some among of variation. For example, some Heortling clans apparently have Elmal or Ernalda as their leadership deities. A clan that ascribes some of Ernalda Allmother's traditional functions to Uleria would be weird, but I'm not sure they'd be weirder than one that replaces Orlanth with the darkness god Argan Argar.


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