Re: Re: Ideas needed...

From: CJ <cj_at_...>
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2005 12:32:11 +0100

OK, from the posting of the rules I think the Apple Lane/Uleria thing may have gone OT for this list. Shall we continue it on the uleria list as it is of great interest to me? I am with Rob on this, in the passage I cite below... I note the modern adaptation of Apple Lane on the Heroquest site does include the ulerians, so I assume that many HQ players will face this issue as they first delve in to Glorantha - in fact many might ask, who or what is Uleria?

Rob wrote:

>And I would contend that she is a 'townie deity', thus her presence in
>Apple Lane can be retrofitted without entirely disgarding the out
>dated settlement (at least those of us who are sentimentally attached
>to the old hamlet! :^D )

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