Re: Reorganising Clan Ring

From: donald_at_...
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 14:31:10 GMT

In message <4371DD1F.10901_at_...> CJ writes:

>How often would the membership of th Clan Ring change? Does the
>Chieftain appoint the ring, or is it by popular clamour - Wapentake
>(sp)? I always assumed any changes occure once a year in Scared Time,
>but can anyone tell me more about Clan Rings?

The two sources for Clan Rings are Thunder Rebels and Barbarian Adventures but neither answer these particular questions. It probably depends on the clan but I don't think chieftains usually have that power. Nor do I think there are regular changes, they will occur when there is need or political desire for a change. They are probably endorsed by wapentake but the choice is made in advance by discussion and lobbying. Bear in mind that in most positions they are representing some group within the clan. E.g. in the Traditional Ring the position of Ernalda represents the women so they will tend to decide who gets that postion.

Donald Oddy

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