Re: Saying thank you!

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 20:12:24 -0000

> I'm not saying that it's a language of great subtlety or finesse.
If it
> exists is a MGF and YGMV question, I think. Some people (Jane,
probably, for
> one) still base a lot of their Glorantha knowledge & games on RQ1-
2-3, where
> it specifically *did* exist.

Look, if you want Humakti (or other warriors) to be able to use basic hand and arm signals (which would be probably just slightly modified hunter hand signals), that's cool. It should probably be subsumed in other abilities (tactics, ambush, scout, or whatever), rather than have players spend HP on something with maybe 40 or 50 signals in total.

Fwiw, the hand and arm signals that you see in the movies are apparently based on the signal system developed for Close Range Engagements during the Vietnam War (although shows like Band of Brothers show the US WWII army using such signals, apparently the WWII combat signals were much simpler). For a nice chart of some basic CRE hand and arm signals, check out:


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