Re: Re: Saying thank you!

From: donald_at_...
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 23:41:26 GMT

In message <dl0evu+moca_at_...> "Jeff Richard" writes:

>Again, I don't mind performing some mental gymnastics to keep a half-
>baked idea from RQ2 around - I just think that Swordspeech was (and
>is) a half-baked idea. I'd prefer to drop with it along with

OK, I'm inclined to agree that RQ2 languages were a half-baked idea. So let's cook them properly.

I propose there are five elemental languages - Darktongue, Stormspeech, Firespeech, Earthspeech and Waterspeech. They have little or no mundane use in Glorantha now but they are magically powerful so are the default for rituals. The darktongue spoken by trolls is probably closest to the elemental language but still a derivation. Firespeech evolved into formal Dara Happen and Stormspeech evolved into the Heortling tongue.

Then there are languages which are cult specific such as Swordspeech, Ulerian pillow talk, etc. These aren't complete languages but have the function of bringing cultists together and enhancing cult magic. Tradetalk is one of these but unusually is shared outside the cult. I'd restrict such languages to gods which currently hold the particular rune. Of course this means when a trickster talks apparent nonsense he's actually speaking in Eurmali.

Finally there is New Pelorian which is a divine inspiration of the Goddess, created to bring the world together under her benevolent gaze. Even though it has only existed for about 400 years there's been time for it to change and the formal language used in rituals and the court is rather different from the way it is spoken in the street. Even so it hasn't entirely superceeded the various regional languages - think of how English co-exists with various other languages in India.

So who knows these elemental and cult languages? Probably only disciples are fluent in them, priests can understand and speak them while initiates are just taught some by rote.

I don't believe this contradicts anything that's been published and can be made as important as the individual group wishes.

Donald Oddy

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