Re: Maps, the Sheep & The Goats, and Difficult players

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 14:18:08 -0000

> was about 1993, so I am not sure how he knew this - but the
> discussion almost destroyed the game.
> It was destroyed when they raided a rival clan, grabbed their men
> and sold them to the Lunars as slaves. As I had no idea what the
> Sartarite position on slavery was then, and instinctively fellt this
> felt wrong, we had a huge row which finally ended the game.
> It wa s about a decade before I returned to Gloranthan gaming!
> cj x

Yes, pesky players! lol

Here is a snippet from my F2F game, which shows you exactly how players sometimes seem bent on engaging in dubious behaviour, but its their story and I am merely the arbiter/GM. What I suggest is that you show the players consequences that flow from their actions, but not as a punishment just the reaction of those around them. If the players had double crossed fellow Sartarites in such a despicable way then that would really generate loads of great play I think. You would have revenge, murder, intrigue. Great! I bet you just felt the players were behaving in a dysfunctional way upsetting the story YOU wanted to tell.

I include the post below as it shows how I used some of the material that I had been discussing with Joerg and Jeff - thanks guys.

In my game the guys had just escaped the clutches of the evil Irrippi Ontor sage Cletos Adolus who was in league with the Old Earth Alliance of Esrolia. They had been captured and were sceduled to be carted off the Boldhome for public crucifixion....

The heroes escaped pursuit, the Right Arm Islanders sailing them from Nochet to Beauchief, a settlement on the southernmost point of Heortland. The Chosen One hero band was introduced as north men of renown who had done great service to the Islanders. The Heroes were thus escorted to the lord and lady of Beauchief, and on the way encountered a combat 'twixt an Aeolian knight dressed for the hunt and an over large wolf. In the presence of the heroes the wolf became very docile and Gynhilde took a shine to it, but never would it suffer the Knight, Sir Guire to come close.

The heroes at length were introduced to the lord and lady and Kurash revealed that he was a Baron of the Sylangi, granted by High King Broyan. Lord Chortaran seemed vexed; it appeared that Baron Sanuel, a Rokari Trader Prince from Maniria had been appointed Sheriff of the Volsaxi Confederation under one Tatius the Bright, commander of the Lunar forces. Although no Lunars were in Salt Point, a delegation was 'entertained' by the Count Vizel, Lord Chortorans leige. However, Sir Chortoran would aid the heroes as best he may, and see them safe through his lands. He bade them enjoy the hospitality of his hall, and all were suitably delighted and amazed at the wolf that followed the heroes as docile as a heel hound.

Before and during the fest the heroes learned many things and it appeared that the wolf may be a knight named Sir Marrok, who may have been the subject of an old family curse to turn into a wolf on certain nights. He would always turn back into a man if his own clothes were available, or so the legend had it. It also transpired that Sir Guire may well have been having an affair with Lady Indeg, Sir Marrok's wife!! Although missing this last 7 year, his seat at the table of the King of Mount Passant still bore his name, thus the marriage could not be dissolved 'tween Marrok and Indeg and indeed he was not declared dead.

The heroes suddenly became interested in the where abouts of the Lady Indeg and Sir Guire, fearing some dastardly conspiracy. Lady Indeg was present but it transpired that Sir Guire had ridden in haste northward on business he did not reveal. The heroes made their excuses and set of in pursuit. Now Aren can track a falcon on a cloudy day, and he found the miscreant knight planning to burn some old dusty clothes that he had, all neatly folded. Using the power of Desemborth Aren brought the heroes to Sir Guire without him realising and surprised him. The treachery was laid bare, but Sir Guire asked what service he could offer that he should not be revealed. Kurash considered this. He considered that he would need an army to help establish his claim and asked if Sir Guire could do this. Sir Guire said he would be happy to do this, but demanded the wolf be slain! This he argued would allow him to marry Lady Indeg, claim Sir Marrocks estates and provide an army twice the size!

This is where the game ended, with Kurash making a choice between condemning Sir Marrock to death and gaining what he needs to claim his lands in the north, or doing what he can to return Sir Marrock to human form. What will Gynhildes, Arens and Drenyens counsel be?

Later by email from the guy who plays Kurash:

What Kurash wants is for Sir Guire to swear an oath that he will help get the barony of Kurash established. In return Sir Guire gets some land
in the barony and Kurash will swear an oath to hand over the clothes and
the wolf, but only when he is established.

Oath or no, Kurash wants insurance. "The wolf stays in the picture."

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