Re: Sleepytime Ernalda

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 19:25:21 -0000

> As for Nick's other point: I've not played in any campaign
narrated by
> Greg, so I don't know how he handles players.


Maybe Nick is referring to the two most well known scenario's written by Greg, The Cradle and the Skyship, which are fairly linear as written. I think that this is somewhat unfair, as virtually all scenario's I have ever seen are fairly linear to a greater or lesser extent. IMO its up to the GM's out there to take this stuff and use it, fitting it to their campaigns.

Keep em coming I say - I love 'em!

I am absolutely busting a gut waiting for Dragonrise!

What I'd like to know is what Issaries is going to do about the later events of the campaign? At the least I'd like a detailed source book that I could use to run stuff.


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