RE: Re: The Missionaries

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 09:03:23 -0000

>> Their brains were damaged. Or their eyes, though that  seems

> > unlikely. In this case, they'd lost the ability to understand and
> to learn - brains.
> I don't think that is the case.

Let's take a look way, way back at what Greg actually suggested.

"So first, recognizing food is not simple. But the important point is that they were INCAPABLE of knowing or Understanding this--and many other things--before the magic and subsequent teaching had raised their consciousness to the knowledge."

Yep. Looks like brain damage to me. Whether induced magically (eating the wrong root), mythically (do a HQ that trades brains for the ability to digest anything), or whatever, what they'd lost was the ability to understand things. And the missionaries, somehow, gave it back to them.

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