Re: Re: Newtlings

From: donald_at_...
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 15:11:04 GMT

In message <dsi8vb+tdao_at_...> "roadsgoeveron" writes:
>Well, yeah, but the question was not so much how they could get to the
>river of cradles but why they would go there in the first place. They
>are surrounded by hostile (and hungry) animal nomads, contemptuous sun
>domers, indifferent lunars, and bizarre ghosts and spirits. If they
>could breed in Prax it would make sense, because even if it's a
>miserable place, it's home. (Or if, like ducks, they're in exile, it
>also makes sense). But if newtlings all just wander in from outside,
>why aren't they wandering to more welcoming environments? (To put it
>another way, what about the river of cradles attracts newtlings enough
>to overcome the obvious difficulties of living there?).

Perhaps there are a heck of a lot of bachelor newtlings and they go everywhere. Those who go furthest or to the most difficult places and return get the best breeding spots and mates. Implies large broods and a high mortality rate before maturity but I don't think anyone has gone into the newtling lifecycle that deeply.

Donald Oddy

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