Re: Flying Magic in HeroQuest

From: danhalberd <dan_at_...>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 10:01:13 -0000

The replies have been interesting and I'll use some of them in my game thanks.

Its interesting how no consensus seems to emerge about the 'Sky' and 'Air' here. This interests me because if they are flying around in the 'air' (i.e. not too far above the battlefield) they would be in missile range of troops on the ground whereas if they are in (or on?) the sky I suppose they are too far away to influence a battle in any obvious way. What makes this especially interesting is as this is a pretty low level ability which only requires the user to be a practitioner of Yu-Kargzant and have the ability in a fetish (at which point it can be used as an active ability). Now it appears from HeroQuest p273 that to gain a fetish with a rating of 10 would cost 3 HP for a concentrated user and for a rating of 1w2 10 HP. Moreover p136 of Heroquest says 'Most animists become practitioners". This appears to show that the ability is going to be pretty common. Gathering Thunder p24 may describe this ability in use 'Suddenly, a horse comes flying through the air, trailing an arc of lands lightly.." though this could also just be just a colourful description of a jump. So if the ability allows low level flight then in battles with the Grazers there are likely to be groups of cavalry galloping around in the air above their enemies.

The alterantive to all this is that 'sky' does mean 'sky' not 'air'. In this case 'Gallop through Sky' is a very interesting ability. According to Elder Secrets of Glorantha p42 the sky is made of several huge domes the innermost of which are transparant whilst the outer one is opaque but pierced by star holes. There's a 'Sky World' up there too with a river, cities etc. So presumably one could gallop on one of the sky domes, or under a sky dome or in the sky world. What the resistence of all this is supposed to be I don't know.

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