RE: sky or air

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 12:46:08 -0600

>From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
> > So presumably one could
> > gallop on one of the sky domes, or under a sky dome or in the sky
> > world. What the resistence of all this is supposed to be I don't
> > know.
>...which is opposed by the magical resistance of the hevenly environment,
>the "normal" 14.

I'm presuming a 10W3, the normal resistance to reach an otherworld.

I have to say that I find all the arguments that try to weaken the ability in question to be missing the point, personally. Use the "Pompous Ability" rule, generalized to fit here. That is, mechanically the ability in question is as potent as it's rating. So how can it be any more powerful than any other ability? Does the ability in question apply in a fight? Let's say it does, for argument's sake. You have it at 2W? OK, that's a +2 for you. Oops, you didn't win the contest? Well, then I guess I'm going to have to describe how, despite it seeming like a great tactical advantage, you lost anyhow. Which I'm always prepared to do, as loss is always possible if we're bothering rolling.

There's some balance problem here? I can't see it. I'll give you "Stop Sun in Sky" as an ability, if you like. Won't change the game balance one bit. Nor the nature of the in-game universe - abilities like this have been used historically (or the equivalent). There's no ability one can take that breaks the game in any way.


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