Re: Re: Second Age Map

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 10:28:00 +1200

At 06:50 AM 5/25/2006 -0700, you wrote:

>Unless I misremember the Kralorelan coastline, there were more changes
>there at the end of the second age than I recall. Or is that my ignorance
>of Kralorela speaking?

The only map is in Uz Lore p13 which shows the Hum Chang separate from the mainland at the north but connected at the south and a modest inland sea partially obscured at the top. In the second age map (UL p21), the coastline is essentially the same as modern times so that might depict the situation after the Dragon's Awakening Shudder. In either case, there should be a mountain range on both the Hum Chang and the Fanzai Isle.

The only other error is the Fronelan Coastline (compare the historical coastlines in UL p13 and 21 with the modern coastline in UL p29). The reason for that change was:

         The Kingdom of War is responsible for the "wedge" of land which 
seems to appear in      the Third Age. Maps of the Second Age and Third Age 
show different coastlines and       internal landform relationships. This 
happened when the Kingdom of War was      manifested from the spiritual 
right into Fronela, creating something which had not      been there 
before. The natives, by the way, noticed nothing like their lands 
moving     around.

Lastly there are the new Vadeli Isles which are said to have arisen in Missing Lands p51 during the Closing.

--Peter Metcalfe

--Peter Metcalfe

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