From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 18:33:30 -0000

I'm realizing there is a little confusion about IFWW out there. Keep this in mind - the Heortlings (unlike most other Gloranthans) have more than a How We Survived The Darkness myth. They have a How We Defeated Chaos And Saved The World myth. This is in addition to the Lightbringers Quest which returned the gods and goddesses to the world and made things much better.

Unlike the Talastari, the Manirians, the Ralians or plenty of Orlanthi cultures, the Heortlings had figured out how to not only survive but overcome the worst of the Darkness and rebuild their culture prior to the Lightbringers Quest. Heort did not have to sacrifice to Orlanth and aid the return of the gods - he had already ensured his people's survival. Nonetheless, he did. Elmal grew brighter, the weather warmed, Ernalda awakened and Orlanth returned and set Elmal free. And the Heortlings not only survived, but with Orlanth's aid, they prospered.

That's a different story than what many other Orlanthi folk will tell. These folk survived the Darkness but could not recognize that it had been defeated until the Theyalan missionaries arrived with the news that Orlanth had returned and showed them how to sacrifice to Orlanth and the Storm Tribe. However, the Theyalans did not tell these folk about how Heort had shown his people how to overcome the Darkness on their own.

Hope that helps -


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