Re: Orlanthi - Ralians, Talastari, oh my

From: Guy Hoyle <ghoyle1_at_...>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 01:20:11 -0500

Peter Metcalfe wrote:

> While the plight of the Hagolings was not unusual, it's a big leap
> to suggest that all the survivors of the Great Darkness outside
> the core areas were similarly wretched.
> Take for the example, the Lendarshi in what is now Northwestern
> Peloria. At the dawn, they had three settlements, five herds, a
> tribe of hunters and a tribe of slavers. Their wealth is vast compared
> to the Hagolings yet they are barely noticeable in the history of
> the period.

This level of detail is vastly intimidating to ones such as me, who have merely been RQing on the fringes of Glorantha for 25+ years. I long for the RQ2-RQ3 days, when the Godlearner POV made gaming not only understandable, but, dare I say it, FUN...

--Guy Hoyle

"Live every day as if you're dying Of a contagious disease that turns 
people you bite into zombies."
The Onion, January 25, 2006 | Issue 42�04

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