Re: Re: Ralian Orlanthi

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 14:37:53 -0500

>From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
>And I never even knew they existed: right, that shows
>how much of their rituals I know!

Come on now, you've never heard of the Aztecs or the Incas, for instance? To say nothing of the other "500 Nations" of the new world destroyed since the arrival of Europeans on this continent? yes, in many cases the people of those cultures were killed almost to the man. But in most cases, they were co-opted into Christianity. The "Aztecs" still exist, they're called Mexicans today (admittedly somewhat interbred with Europeans). And the majority of them are Roman Catholic.

Interesting how a culture that sacrificed thousands of people each day was conquered and forced into a religion that, at the time, was killing thousands of Jews in Spain and elsewhere. But I digress...


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