Re: God Learners

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 11:58:34 +1200

At 09:15 AM 7/13/2006 -0700, you wrote:

>I do doubt that.
>The "mainstream" GL were trying to get everyone back online with the
>proper worship, which if course was Veneration.

>I am open to input of course.
>So, why would they encourage animism or tolerate theism?

It depends on when we are talking about. In the beginning, the God Learners were hard-line zealots (Abiding Book, Crusade against Arkat). But later, they degenerated. As the prosopedia when being about the Arkati best puts it:

         Membership in his cult was at first discouraged, then outlawed,
         and eventually became superfluous amidst the growing abuses
         of the Jrusteli God-learners.

In the last phase, I would place events such as their creation of the Temple of United Eurmal in Slontos, the Goddess Switch, and perhaps the creation of the Volcano Twins cult. The best statement of their attitude to other types of magic at this time is:

         Cleverly exploiting similarities and differences in all that
         they found, [...] they wove the four modes of magic into
         one etheric cloth of powers and energies which seemed
         to envelop the whole world.

         Cults Compendium p20 (from Cults of Terror).

--Peter Metcalfe

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