Re: God Learners

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 00:24:46 -0700

YGWV Quoting Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>:

>> > when being about the Arkati best puts it:
>> >
>> > Membership in his cult was at first discouraged, then outlawed,
>> > and eventually became superfluous amidst the growing abuses
>> > of the Jrusteli God-learners.
>> This is discussing the Arkat cult, and he was never worshipped by the
>> God Learners or any Westerner. This would descibe what happened in
>> Ralios, or even in the Heortling areas, but is not applicable to the
>> God Learners.
> So the God Learners would have imposed venerative worship on the
> Orlanthi of Umathela and then later have an experimental attitude
> towards them?

We have often been using the term God Learners in a general way. For talking about generalized, distant-in-time things, this is not incorrect. It would be similar to saying, perhaps, ?The Moslems took over India.?
But we know it would be more correct to say the Mughals took over India, who practiced Islam. Similiarly, with the GL we need to be more specific when we are discussing this issues.

The political entity that dominated the Imperial Age seas is more properly the Empire of the Middle Sea (or any of several such names that might be used). I will use EMS for short. At its earliest (pre-imperial stage) it was comprised of the Jrusteli Alliance and the Umathelan Coalition. After the addition of the Kingdom of Seshnela, under King Svagad, it attained imperial status and conquered many other far-flung lands (Slontos, Ralios, Fronela, Kralorela, Fonrit, Melib, Kumanku, Teshnos, Teleos, etc.)
The religion in the EMS was the Malkioni True Church (among other names). The MTC was the religion of the Abiding Book, whose members were the warriors of the Return to Rightness Crusade. The MTC had a church hierarchy, plicy which became dogma and so on. The God Learners were a congolomerate of groups within (and beside) the EMS that included many orders, philosophies, schools and so on. They were never a single united group working together, though at certain times certain groups became so strong, influential or important that they nearly attained such status.

With those definitions in place, I would answer your question with: The Malkioni True Church imposed venerative worship on the Orlanthi of Umathela, and later the God Learners had an experimental attitude towards them.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Shattuck AVe, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

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