Re: Lunar Phalanx Units

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_...>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 17:09:03 -0000

> I note that the Marble Phalanx comes from the Naverian city of
> Mesavos. Does anyone know what god the soldiers would usually

Martin Laurie's notes list their regimental deity as Rokhornovos the Bright, a subcult of Urvairinus* (which in this paradigm would provide a single affinity -- 'Marble Phalanx' -- to the main deity's 'Destroy Dara Happan Foes' and 'Light of Action' affinities). I wholly agree that there is an interesting argument of cult vs guardian (or even both or some amalgam), and I've perhaps tended to focus efforts on guardians myself.




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