Re: Level of Power of Entities

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 10:56:25 -0700

> > > I hate to say it, but that's drivel. It happened,
> > in
> > Somehow I knew you'd bring this up :-). Sorry, jane,
> > but some individuals in
> > Glorantha break even the lax rules of HQ (don't even
> > *try* it in RQ!)
> Well I was hoping you'd explain how HQ can do it, but
> if they can't - they're broken. And need fixing.

As noted, the rules have nothing to do with it - all the ideas that have been brought up have managed to make it work within the rules - whether asuming that the bear is having a *really* bad day/hibernation/etc, or that Harrek pumped himself up, or both.

I pointed out the "impossibility" of beating a 6-mastery disparity. Others managed to bring the disparity down to something manageable. The rules stand. Don't blame the rules for a badly lopsided mis-match! If you go up against a 6-mastery disparity, you'll *have* to be clever to make up for it.

> Then possibly the rule about only spending one HP at a
> time is what's broken.

Some people have decided this and ignore it in their house rules.

> I gather he has W4 now, and that was in the past.
> Let's take W4 as our upper limit, he hasn't exactly
> been doing self-improvement exercises since, just
> killing things.

Remember that his 10w4 is *with* the bearskin. You can't give it to him beforehand!

> Yep - unless he somehow suckered it into meeting him
> somewhere else?

That he couldn't have. Killing a god requires a trip to the God world. Killing a spirit requires a trip to the Spirit world. they can't just go someplace else.

> > Assuming Harrek is smart,
> > he'll have gone in with a 19 or 20 Target number,
> > whatever his masteries might be.
> Yes - though we're assuming here that he got to roll
> 1s throughout the contest. That's the real "narrative
> immunity" - the author controls the dice to make for
> more interesting plot.

Still, the smart money tries a major quest with a high target number - you're much more likely to roll a success, meaning a bump to critical is only 1 HP away.

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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