Re: Re: Level of Power of Entities

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2006 22:04:48 +1200

At 09:24 p.m. 6/08/2006, you wrote:
>--- In, "Ian Cooper"
>Let's assume that the
> > white bear, the polar bear ancestor is also one of these. That would
> > rule out any White Bear practice that makes winter spirits available

The Polar Bear has no kids so can't be an ancestor.

>Checking Glorantha Introduction to the Hero Wars, it suggests that
>some Rathori do not hibernate, but remain active during the winter by
>aid of white bear spirits. It can't be that common as all the Rathori
>slept through the ban,

Pfah. The limits of conventional reasoning. If you rephrase the event more accurately as "The Rathori that survived the Ban did so by hibernating", then an intriguing question arises:

         What happened to the White Bear warriors who didn't go to
         sleep when the Ban fell?

Probably driven insane by the century long insomnia. Most of them would have killed each other and so forth. That gives rise to the next question:

         If a White Bear Warrior did survive the endless night,
         how tough would he be?

Which amply solves the Harrek problem and also explains how, if the 1609 date for the White Bear acquisition is true, that Harrek was able to kill the Red Emperor before then.

Only one little niggle remains - Fral Angor. But he is easily resolved by noting that he fought Black Hralf and was not killed. Since Black Hralf is so little known, we can easily assume that he destroyed Fral Angor's connection with the White Bear in that combat.

--Peter Metcalfe

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