RE: Re: Dissappointed

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:57:49 -0500

>From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
> >Mike, you are a star.
> >Oh, I'm somewhat well known, sure, but I was running for people who I'm
> >didn't know me from Adam in a lot of cases.
>Just in case you're not being witty, the Britspeak expression "you are a
>star" means "Well done. You are highly valued."

I was being...obtuse. That is, I wasn't precisely sure what you meant by that, but I decided to forge on ahead anyhow.

In any case, what I should have said was, thanks. :-)

And let me just say that the feeling is mutual, your contributions to HQ have been stellar as well. In fact, I'd just like to say to everyone here that I'm really grateful for the help and support this community provides. While we're at it. :-)


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