Re: Really boring RQ2/HQ question

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 08:25:29 -0000

CJ wrote:
>Quick question! I am sometimes lost when converting RQ2 era
statistics to the HeroQuest system.<

You might get a better discussion on the hq-rules list.

> I know they do not directly convert, but what roughly
> would 50% be in HQ terms?

I would think it is easier to think in terms of the HeroQuest ranges for competence. Figure out how competent the setting implies the character is. For example for Heortlings one mastery is a clan thane (high school sports star), two masteries is tribal level (college sports star), three masteries is someone of renown (professional sports star).

But its probably for the hq-rules list.

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