Re: Re: The Monstrosity

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 16:40:53 -0500

>From: LC <lightcastle_at_...>
>On August 24, 2006 01:09 pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
> >
> > I think that's de rigeur. :-)
>I wouldn't say so. Lots of ways to go without that, depending on the tone

I'm sorta joking. To be more serious, this is supposed to be the Hero Wars, and I get the sense that people are conditioned to shy away from world-shaking stuff. I'm always hearing about cattle raids, and such (no offense, Ian, there's nothing wrong with the low-level option if it's deliberately what you want). ;-)

Jeff Richard's stuff seems a bit bigger. But I'm still waiting for somebody to report that they struck down the Red Moon in their game. I've got folks with nigh starting characters binding six mastery majestic spirits in my game. And it's not even set in the Hero Wars. :-)

> > Or should I have saved this for the rules list?
>Probably. Besides, I don't even recall hearing anything about the full

I'm saying with this, figure out the nature of this particular beast, and just as you'd give an augment for the full moon for a werewolf (at least in our mythos, not sure about Glorantha), give him the appropriate ritual bonus for the right time for that creature. Simply remember to give ritual bonuses where they'd be fun.

>After all, we don't even know if it really is the kid yet, according to the
>narrator, no?

I think making the child the innocent subject of a curse, and then having the group have to figure out what to do with him is central to this set-up. I'd have that be the starting point, in fact. If it's just ye olde investigation to find out the real beast and kill it...well count me out at least.


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