Re: New campaign in the East Isles (context)

From: philippe_sigaud <sigaud_at_...>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 13:48:11 -0000


So, my Holy Country PCs are now somewhere along the Vithelan coast. With a boat and Dormal. They of course plan to get back to the Holy Country, open the City of Wonders, and achieve some kind of satisfactory closing on the Belintar/Pharaoh problem. (Ah, one of them needs a wife also, or his clan's Asrelia devotee will frown, which they do NOT want).

And&#133; my brainstorming need was on the East Isles, Vithela, Vormain, Kralorela, Teshnos/Melib. I need wacky ideas concerning peoples, places, magical events, anything.

I read Men of the Sea and Glorantha Intro, Revealed Mythologies and Missing Lands and plan to read Tradetalk #13 and Tales #? (the Sea Special one, with many things on Haragala).

Some things I want to have in this campaign:

So, er&#133;, What do you think I could throw at them? I want to spend a session or two in Haragala. Does anyone have any suggestion as to what they can find there? Or any idea of scenes, places, events in the East?


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