Re: Ancient cults and odal

From: Jonas Schiött <jonas.schiott_at_...>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 00:06:54 +0100


>> The serious one: Under "Ancient Cults" on page 217, the farming and
>> herding subcults of Orlanth are listed. Meaning that these are archaic
>> aspects receiving no direct worship in the modern day, replaced by
>> Barntar
>Could this be intended just as the case under the lunar occupation,
>with direct worship of Orlanth banished? "Ancient" would
>be rather exaggerated if so, but still..

This maneuver (hide your Orlanthcarl worship behind Barntar) is mentioned elsewhere in the book, but it's not a possible interpretation of p. 217. I think downplaying these subcults is either a new idea that was introduced late in the writing process and not fully integrated with the other text, or an old idea that should have been removed but was missed in the editing. I expect that Storm Tribe will clarify whether it stays or goes.

>> ...Oh, and there is of course my pet peeve about "odal" being used in a
>> completely backwards sense. ;-)
>That's just a problem for us scandinavians, who have the
>word in our vocabulary.

Perhaps "peeved" isn't the right word - It's more like surprise that they got the other old Norse terms right (godi, skald, thrall) and then fumbled this one.

Jonas Schiött

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