Re: new guy here

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 15:49:48 -0600

>From: "Roderick Robertson" <rjremr_at_...>
>To me, the "hidden" part of the Gender keywords is that we just haven't
>bothered to write down the abilities in them, not that they aren't there on
>the character sheet (with all the gender bias of Gloranthan society, it's
>pretty much got to be).

Well, to be sure, there are cultural aspects that are part of the homelands. And to the extent that the homelands include physical aspects of the people, too, those elements of gender could be seen to be there.

But what about our old example of the Heortling Duck? He's certainly not subject to the physiognomical description of the Heortling as human.

My point is that, just as species keywords can be separated from homelands, so, too, can the physical part of the sex keywords. Like I mention in the link, things like women having the "Birth Child" ability, or men having, I dunno, "Write Name in Snow." Or any natural propensity to be attracted to the other sex, say (though I think some argue that it's cultural, I think that most these days agree that sexual orientation is genetic).

Anyhow, the point stands that we all agree that the abilities exist somewhere, but aren't detailed as individual abilities on the character sheet, at the very least.


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