Re: Relationships, severed and otherwise

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 17:22:23 -0800

YGWV Quoting Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>:

>> See, if a Humakti severs his relationship with his
>> father, it goes from
>> Loves Father 17, to Severed Relationship with Father
>> 17. Just as when
>> another character's father dies, his goes to Loves
>> Dead Father 17.
>> Relationships never die, they just mutate awfully
>> (and there are rules for it). :-)
> True, and a good point. I'm trying to get straight in
> my mind what effect magical severing of a relationship
> will have. It would remove any *magical* connection,
> that's for sure. And any legal connection. But it
> can't remove the memories, can it? Nor what passes for
> genetics in Glorantha: you're still stuck with your
> father's big nose.

Memories remain, and "genetic" connnection.

> Then there's the question of the relatives who just
> don't get it and say "yes, you're Humakti, but you're
> still our cousin, now come and help!"

Possibly, but unlikely. Think of it as if a cousin became a Catholic priest. You wouldn't bug him to get married. Just isn't done.

But relatives might ask anyway. But probably not be bugged if it was refused.

> And history doesn't go away. You still "have been" in
> the family, they may come and pester you to resheath.
> I'm not sure if a curse on the bloodline would hit you
> or not. One on you wouldn't hit them, but is it a
> two-way thing?

A curse on the bloodline would not strike the severred Humakti.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Channing Ave, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

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