Re: Kalikos and the Icebreaker Quest

From: donald_at_...
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:36:33 GMT

In message <20070131033243.87773.qmail_at_...> Alison Place writes:

> What we have decided was a strong possibility is
>that Kalikos was actually a Vingan. Over many years,
>Vingans were encouraged to settle in the northern
>areas, where their Defender's Wind (the warm wind from
>the south) was perfect for helping the locals cope
>with the dire cold, and to keep year-round ice-free
>ports. We figure that this is not known widely, if at
>all. It may be, or may have been, a High Priestess to
>High Priestess kind of handover. At some point, the
>chain may have been broken. The opportunities for
>Orlanthi disruption of this quest are pretty obvious,
>if it becomes known that Kalikos is essentially a
>Vingan cult.

Bear in mind the queendom of Holay "with most of the rites of authority in the hands of Ernalda Earthmother and the Red Woman who some call Vinga" is part of the Lunar Empire. (ILH1 pg. 54) So it's not going to be the Vinga of Sartar but a cult with a different emphasis - probably more into defending and less into rebelling. This is probably why the cult of Vinga hasn't been banned in Sartar - the Lunars know Vinga can behave herself if her father's bad influence is removed.

Donald Oddy

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