Re: Some Parameters for HeroQuesting

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 19:42:20 -0000

> > Why?
> Why is it painful? You really need to ask? When you've
> got an on-going campaign that covers that period, and
> all of a sudden something as massive as OiD lands in
> the middle of it? If it was a boring idea, then fine,
> you just ignore it. But it isn't. It's a really cool
> idea. Only it splatters all the existing background
> and history into bits!

Hardly. It is a major event, but let's face it, 99.9% of Gloranthan background and history is unaffected by OiD. And it is a really cool story. Which means Greg has every right to add it to the collection of stories that make up Glorantha.

> > Greg wrote Orlanth is Dead many years after
> > KoS and after he
> > thought more about some of the implications of the
> > Lunar defeat of
> > Orlanth. So he wrote about those.
> Sure, fine. But this did not help fit OiD into any
> existing version of Glorantha, did it?

It fits. It just means that CHDP is incomplete. And a writer does not have to slavishly follow his previous writings.

> > Until then invent your own
> > reason why the chronicler of CHDP made no reference
> > to Orlanth being Dead
> But that's just it - why should I have to? Sure, I
> probably can. This is me, I can come up with reasons
> for a lot of things, though that one's *hard* and
> introduces a lot of other changes as well. But I
> should never have had to do that - if the writers,
> Greg or whoever, wanted to throw in this totally new
> idea, then making it fit at least the outline of
> previous sources was *their* job.

That's not his job Jane. Greg's "job" is to write stories. If those stories are perfectly compatible with previous stories he wrote, so what? If you are running a RPG based on Greg's writings - and Greg writes something that contradicts something in your game, either ignore the new story or reconcile with your game.

> Whitewall, sure. That's serious magic, by the end, not
> mundane. But Iceland? The battle where the players are
> playing cannon fodder, very much on the mundane plane?
> Two big armies hitting each other and ambushing each
> other? I can't see why that would have any effect on
> the heroplane.

I'm not sure OiD is necessarily the final writeup of the Battle of Iceland. And remember, Orlanth returns during Iceland - which is a very very big deal mythologically.


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