Re: Some Parameters for HeroQuesting

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 20:15:10 -0000

> > Which means Greg has every right to add it
> > to the collection of stories that make up Glorantha.
> Sure - as long as it fits! Same as every other cool
> thing.

Fits with what? Greg's only obligation - and that goes for any other non-work for hire writer - is that his stories fit within the general framework of his other Glorantha stories. OiD contradicts CHDP? So what? The reader likes the story or not, the game player can use the story or not.

> But to "break" a universe whose whole purpose is that
> lots of people use it and co-create it - especially if
> you expect to get paid for it....

Is that really the whole purpose of writing about Glorantha? Fwiw, virtually everything I've ever written about Glorantha is for my own benefit or for the interest of my friends.

And I do not think OiD "broke" the universe. Maybe it contradicted the story you were telling in your game, but so what? Ignore it then - or change your story.

> No. OiD was not sold as a story. It was sold as an
> additional adventure for people to play, in an
> existing and very well-established universe.
> "Additional" meaning that you keep what you've got,
> not throw it all away and start again. Backwards
> compatibility. Even Microsoft have got that one
> figured.

OiD - and everything else written about Glorantha - are just little fictional stories based on other fictional stories written by Greg Stafford. It is not a software program, it is not a modular component of some grand machine, it is not a description of a real world place.

   We buy this product because we like the stories - and many of use these stories as the setting for RPGs. The biggest obligation that Greg - or any other writer - has is that these stories are well-written and keep us interested.

> > And remember, Orlanth returns during
> > Iceland - which is a
> > very very big deal mythologically.
> Sure, that's what I said a few posts back. THe LBQ
> (well, seriously variant LBQ), that's going on at the
> same time, that's a Big Deal. But that's not the
> battle.

Are you sure that it was the LBQ that woke Orlanth up?


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