Re: Odayla vs UrruYoo

From: L.Castellucci <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 17:24:54 -0500

We've only seen the Moon Bear in ILH-1 so far, yes?

What the Alakorings were like before the Lunars got to them is intriguing to me. After all, from what I can see, the majority of the "Barbarian Belt" was Alakoring, no? Except for the Heortlings hiding on the Heortland/Hendrikiland plateau, most of the Orlanthi were under the EWF and Alakoring is the big hero who restores Orlanth worship. But by Third Age "present day" there are no centers of Alakoring worship, are there? Sartar was mostly Southern Heortling. Tarsh was Alakoring.

Syllia, Holay, all the rest up through the Lunar Empire were Alakoring.

Anything we might find from the new RuneQuest is pre-Alakoring. We know Syllia had a much more important role for Odalya. I suppose there are other differences. (Humakt might be more important to the far north? Valind certainly, I would think - even if the weather doesn't seem to follow "hotter to the south, colder to the north" consistently.)


On March 5, 2007 03:32 pm, Roderick and Ellen Robertson wrote:

> Remember that the Sylilians (and most cultures south of them) were
> Alakoring Orlanthi before the Lunars came, so most of their original
> deities will be similar-if-not-identical to the ones we know from Thunder
> Rebels and Storm Tribe (which are the Heortling version of the Storm
> Tribe).

> What changes the Lunars make to them is another question...

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