Re: Wyters and Animals

From: tim_at_...
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 17:20:41 -0000

but not necessarily very resistant to Close Combat, IIRC...

>When you "build" a wyter that is embodied in a sacred animal, there
>are ceremonies and proceedures that allow you to call it into a new
>body should the old one wear out. (I don't see as them being

That ties in with what I was thinking. For MGF there should be specific requirements for the animal - descendant of the original. Animal born as a twin birth, or a single birth, Particular pigmentation, born on an auspiscious day etc etc...

> The
> downside is that until you do that, you've lost your wyter and are
> vulnerable. The plus side is that your wyter is _relatively_ easy to
> replace/repair.

>>[a "Rune Lord with an Allied Spirit" might be thought of in HW
>>terms as "The Leader of a Hero Band with a Hero Band Wyter"]
>I suppose. I prefer to try to get away with cleaving quite so close
>to the old ways.

Nor do I, necessarily. It was a thought prompted by having just read about wyter in animals when someone mentioned dissapointment that "Runelords" weren't mentioned in TR. I'd not necessarily use it everywhere or in every case, but it struck me as one possibility when converting a PC or NPC from one system to the other.

Actually it was the idea of a Clan or part therof with their Ploughing Wyter in the lead bull that had me thinking about animals as Wyters.

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