Re: Stafford Library

From: Rick Meints <rjmeints_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 16:26:02 -0000


All of the Unfinished Works are being updated to the new perfectbound format and being retitled as part of the Stafford Library. Currently, the Glorious Reascent of Yelm, Arcane Lore, MSE and History of the Heortling Peoples books are in this new format. Over the next several months I will be doing the same for all of the other books in the series, including King of Sartar. One addition to several of these books will be a full index for the book, sadly lacking in some of the previous versions. Greg is also in the process of adding, updating and correcting the information in some of these, King of Sartar in particular. What I may also do is provide a "series wide" index for all of the books as a separate document. One side benefit of the new format and updating is that these books will also be available as searchable PDFs. A few of the books may even become available as combined editions, so you can get one uber-volume for Glorious Reascent, Entekosiad, and the Fortunate Succession, or something like that. A combined Arcane Lore and Revealed Mythologies is another possibility.

Hope that helps,
Rick Meints
Moon Design Publications

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