Re: Re: Elk and moose

From: samclau_at_...
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 17:47:36 -0300

>> Yeah, seeing as how little ol' England doesn't have any of those types of
>> beasts, we don't care much how they are named :-))
> Well, your "Buzzard" is our "Red-tailed hawk", as well. Don't know *which*
> lot of immigrants came up with that one.
> (Remember - "Americans" probably didn't come up with those new (or re-used)
> names, some settler (English, French, Spanish, German, Pole, Irish, you name
> it) did. "Americans" had their own names for animals before the white man
> came...)

Well the word for "deer" in Portuguese (viado) means gay man here in Brazil.

That help any?


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