Re: Fossils?

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 16:22:04 -0000

> Well that's not boring in our world, so why would it be boring in
> There's a disturbing trend towards "one true way" in some recent
> posts, that one way being "it can only be mythic." Now Glorantha
> obviously a mythic world, but part of the charm is that almost
> everything has multiple explanations. Horrified
> disintegration/well-deserved death/eaten by wolf/knocked out of
> sky dome/great ice age? Take your pick. They're all true.
> So feel free to come up with other true explanations for
> fossils, but IMG they are ancient beasties squashed into rock.
> from underwater. Like at Whitewall. About which there are
> myths.
> --
> David Dunham
> Glorantha/HQ/RQ page:

Well put. But then, since I am a geo-archaeologist these days, I find fossils, rock strata, and dead Hittites and Byzantines utterly fascinating - even if they don't attack when we violate their tomb.

One of the things I always liked about Rainbow Mounds and Snake Pipe Hollow was the changes to the geology as one moved around. I think I even came up with a rock-strata diagram at one point, to help me visulize the place.

There's been a few methods of describing fossils thus far. I suspect all are valid - as valid as anything in Glorantha gets. When I ran Fish Rain, the heroes noticed that some of the fish that were falling from the sky matched the fossils in the rock face they later had to climb. And there were a lot of wierder, scarier fossils that hand not yet been, er, puked up yet. When they solved the problem with the chaos ray, the noticed a new fossil in the cliff-side...


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