Re: Re: Common religions and concentrating magic

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 18:23:06 -0700

> Intriguing.
> What would it give you? The Hero Point discount, the ability to do feats
> for
> half the improv modifier... would you still have it remove the alien world
> modifier, or would you tweak that?

Remember that this is just Sunday-afternoon theorizing, not a fully-thought-out treatise...

For Theists, I'd give "Concentrated Initiates" the following: * Remove the use of Common Magic feats (along with the rest of Common magic) - counts as "magic not of your god" Sorry. * Half-price magic (*maybe* - I'm not sure that magic really should be inflated HP-wise the way it is, but that's a different subject) * Use an affinity as a primary ability at -5 (this is re-stating the "Improvise a Named Feat" rule). (Non concentrated would do it at -10) * Remove the Alien World penalty in the appropriate otherworld (ie, Gods World for a Theist)

I really don't see many people (Players or Characters) opting for this - it's better to go for Devotee instead, because you get the full use of feats.

I could see an animist able to do either Tradition or Practice concentration.
* Remove the use of Common Magic spirits (along with the rest of Common magic) - counts as "magic not of your Boss Spirit" (subject to local conditions - a CM fire spirit probably could still be used by a Boss Fire-Spirit Concentratee.)
* Half-price magic (*maybe* - I'm not sure that magic really should be inflated HP-wise the way it is, but that's a different subject) * Remove the Alien World penalty in the appropriate otherworld (ie, Spirit World for an Animist)
* Some sort of mod on contacting/bargaining/befriending spirits of your Tradition/Practice (dunno what, yet, but it makes sense that if you're good buddies with a Boss Spirit, you'd get a benefit when treating with its underlings.

I figure the Concetrated Animis would be the old "Holy Person" role from HW - he's be the non-shaman that took care of making fetishes and charms for his people.

Shamans would still have all their current abilities, including dealing with foreign spirits. It's probably a fetch function, anyway.

> Orderlies can concentrate on their Saint, of course. Liturgists on God.
> Would
> Adepts concentrate on their schools or their Grimoire?

Monotheists would get:
* Remove the use of Common Magic spells (along with the rest of Common magic) - counts as "magic not of god"
* Half-price magic (*maybe* - I'm not sure that magic really should be inflated HP-wise the way it is, but that's a different subject) * Remove the Alien World penalty in the appropriate otherworld (ie, Essence World for a Sorcerer)

The actual benefits to magic use would depend on wherether they were Liturgists, Adepts, Ordierlies, or whatever, but they would be similar to those benefits above.

Possibly better mods on the "Modifiers to Magic" tables (another HW idea).

> I don't argue with that, I just don't see how your solution allows people
> to
> interact in a mixed system any more easily. I suppose it removes the
> hand-waving that comes from saying "participating in Heortling rites
> doesn't
> count as breaking concentration if you are a Heortling", and that's
> something.

Yep. (except I think you meant "Kolating" in the first instance of heortling).

>For instance, page 105 is
> fairly explicit that common magic other than talents originate with
> Otherworld Entities native to the Mortal World. (Although I am not sure
> what
> that means.)

This actually I have no problem with. Spirits, Daimones and Essences are "Otherworld beings". They can "live" either in the Otherworld, or in the Middle World of Glorantha. Thos ethat live in the Otherwold get an alien world penalty when they enter the Middle World - a Sakareka (Anaxial 93) is Spirit World denizen, so when it is summoned (or walks through a weak spot) into the middle world, all the abilities listed get hit with that -20 penalty.

Middle-world "otherworld entities" live "here" in the middle world - they are native to the middle world, and their stats remain unchanged when they are encountered here. Most are unintelligent animals, plants, stones, etc. - a Spirit hare, a Daimone cloud. They can be summoned much easier than a an Otherworld Denizen (no 10w3 barrier between you). If you give them what they want (and most are pathetically eager to get any sort of worship/goodies at all), they can teach you little magics.

Common magic I'd probably make a primary ability from the get-go - if you get taught "Make fire", you can make a fire (or augment making a fire). While this might seem to make CM really powerful, remember that you've got to learn each ability individually - Affinities are a collection of abilities (even if you can't use more than one at the same time), Spirits in fetishes are a collection of abilities (usually two or three abilities), Grimoires are a collection of abilities (that do have to be learned individually, true, but they can also be used simultaneously as well), etc. That's the trade-off - either you get a handful of magical abilites, or a collection in one fell swoop (and most people probably have more than one affinity, fetish or grimoire...)

> I really do need to pick up BoG now that I've finished my move. It would
> be
> nice to see a detailed mixed religion.

You should, for many reasons.

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche

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