Re: Who survived during the Darkness? Vinga? Odayla?

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 01:00:25 +0100 (BST)


> Was Vinga and Odayla just KoDP trying to make it
> more interesting?

If all else fails, check Storm Tribe.

"As death overtook the cosmos, the gods of war went away one by one, until only Elmal remained.... All that time, Vinga protected the stead. When Orlanth and Ernalda�s own houses were empty.... Vinga continued... Only once did Vinga sleep at her post. Even then, it was so that she could go to guard Ernalda and clutch her portion of the Cosmic Web that imprisoned Wakboth."

And if she was "asleep" the same way as her mother (and it looks like it: inactive on the surface, active in the underworld), then yes, she died. She lasted a long time, but she died.

Odayla also died, and he has a really good story attached to it. Take a look at p141. You see, it was (of course!) Odayla who saved the world. Here's the highlight at the end:
"He ... came across the corpse of a dead god. Eating it was the only way to survive, but when Odayla discovered that it was the body of his father he knew that his time had come. He lay down and went to sleep, the final sleep that is Death.
Odayla�s death was life for the world, however, for in the Otherworld he awakened beside his father. He awakened the dead god, and thus taught him that death and sleep are the same thing. Orlanth rose..."

So in both cases, they're around for quite a bit of the Darkness, but die before the end. I don't remember what KoDP has to say on the subject: does that fit?

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