Re: Heroes of Malkion?

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 15:52:30 -0000

Sorry, I totally misunderstood the question.

As far as I know, HoM is on the way - I think Rick Meints announced that a few weeks back.

And Trader Princes was written with Men of the Sea in mind - anyone can walk off a boat in Fay Jee and get him, her, or itself a job. Considering the city populace ranges from scruffy Wenelian immigrants, Sea League carpetbaggers and merchants, Esrolian and Esluvari refugees, pilgrims from Umalthea, traders from pretty much anywhere around the Homeward Ocean, Rokari zealots, and spies from every other House of the Trader Princes... and that's just the more-or-less human population.

Let's just say that there's a lot of room for character creation. At least I hope there is - without getting _too_ silly.


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