Re: Who survived during the Darkness?

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 08:27:53 -0700


> > Was Vinga and Odayla just KoDP trying to make it more interesting?
>I believe you are saying that in KoDP Vinga and Odayla are said to
>survive through the Great Darkness?
>Well, KoDP'sGWV too. :)

This is certainly true. King of Dragon Pass is first and foremost a computer game, not a Gloranthan resource (though I contend it's the best visual reference for Heortlings or the East Ralios Orlanthi).

I'm pretty sure the clan questionnaire came from Greg. However, he created it at least 10 years ago, and may well have given this more thought since. Also, it's entirely possible this is exaggeration, and Odayla lasted much longer than other gods but still perished.

BTW, according to the manual: "When your clan arrives in Dragon Pass, it builds a shrine to whichever deity you first awakened at the Dawn. Note that three gods who remained awake during the Darkness, Odayla, Elmal, and Urox, are grouped as Living Deities on this screen. Choosing one of the Living Deities indicates that you worshipped a living god throughout the
Darkness, but is not functionally different than choosing a god who had to be awakened."


David Dunham
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