So Re: where's the Scenario?

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 16:55:37 -0000

> Huh, if that's how those scenarii played, I'd say that they were
crap, too. That is, in fact, precisely my objection to the scenebased  form of scenario. How can it be about the PCs if it assumes what they're doing and why? One size fits all PCs?

Yes, this is really not the place for indepth and opaque discussion of RPG design theory. There are other venues dedicated to this.

I had hoped that this thread would _encourage_ people to write more Gloranthan (and HeroQuest) material rather than be daunted by a persnikety theoretical discussion. I'd prefer something more practical.

Why not tell us about what you've written instead and how it makes a good HeroQuest adventure - what's fun about it? Why did you write it the way you did? Encourage and inspire.



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