Re: Re: Travel Narratives in Glorantha

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 08:29:13 +0000 (GMT)

> Jane:
> > there's been a slide over
> > the last few years as people try to project their
> > insecurities onto a universe that didn't need
> them.
> > And then they try to claim it was always like
> that...
> > have they stolen John's memory, too?
> I believe he said 'creeping' essentialism,
> masculinism, etc. Which
> implies to me that he agrees it's a recent
> phenomenon becoming increasingly common.

Oh, that's true. Fair enough. (Phew!)

> Of course, given my latest sizeable work for
> Glorantha was about the Rokari, I'm not going to be
> exactly free of that accusation myself...

But they always were a male-biased culture, weren't they? The typical Malory-clone of most of the West, and one of the reasons I've never paid much attention to them (the other being that Malory-clones don't have enough originality to be interesting). I'd imagine you've stopped them being a boring clone, but if you'd made them anything but male-dominated, you'd have missed the point and altered the background. And you know better than that!

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