RE: Re: What's The Story? Under the Red Moon Challenge

From: donald_at_...
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:47:38 GMT

In message <675057.75763.qm_at_...> Jane Williams writes:
>--- donald_at_... wrote:
>>> If Kallyr wants to mess up a Lunar
>> >Earth ritual, she needs a cooperative Lunar *and* a
>> >cooperative Earth priestess. She may think she can
>> do
>> >this herself, but she's wrong, she's got no Earth
>> >magic at all. She can coordinate it, and provide
>> the
>> >contacts, but someone else will have to do the HQ,
>> >even if she has yet to be persuaded of this.
>> >Preferably, your PCs....
>> Why the Lunar?
>How else is she going to get access to a Lunar ritual,
>or enough knowledge to hijack one?
>> You are talking about an ordinate or higher of
>> the Dakkasinoda and Dakkahoneel subcult of Hon-Eel.
>Or (ignoring the meaningless polysyllables), one of he

Assuming the cleaner is literate enough to recognise which bit of paper is a record of the ritual as opposed to the laundry bill.

>> How likely are they to betray everything they have
>> committed to?

>As likely as anyone else on either side. It's only
>another religion, and a young one at that.

You're forgetting that ordinates are relatively rare in Lunar society. So they have status that they lose by turning traitor. A Heortling can gain status by selling out to the Lunars and may even do so without betraying their cult. Sure there will be individuals who will have grudges and so on but they won't be common.

>> So yes, the priestess of Esrola is the
>> person she's trying to convince. And it's a
>> priestess of the
>> specific subcult for whatever grain they are trying
>> to introduce not simply an earth priestess.
>True - so the grain in question is whichever one the
>PC in the campaign specialises in. Kallyr won't care
>which grain gets used, it'll be whichever one she can
>get the ritualist for.

That'll be how she thinks - I don't think it's actually true. We know that the Godlearners goddess switch caused crop failure because the grain didn't grow in the different area. This is probably one of the arguments being used against Kallyr.

Looking at it in game terms the PC priestess isn't the only possibility for Kallyr - there should be an NPC one as well. Then the PC has to decide how far to push things before Kallyr goes off and gets someone more co-operative to do it. Or maybe they gang up on Kallyr and get her to do it their way.

>> Otherwise she'd have got Ernaldesta to do it.
>Maybe.... she's the wrong aspect, really, but with
>magic even stronger than Kallyr's, she could have a

She was probably the first person to tell Kallyr that she didn't know enough to try. Just as Kallyr can swap from Vinga Vangarth to Vinga Dar Ernaldesta could swap to Esra. I'm inclined to think that Ernaldans do that more than Orlanthi.

Donald Oddy

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