Re: Games for wee beasties

From: parental_unit_2 <parental_unit_2_at_...>
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 17:45:30 -0000

Really nice, thanks for posting. This sounds does sound like a great game.

A lot of this is similar to what happened with my two daughters, who were older (11 and 13) when we played. They spent a lot of time drawing their characters and equipment, essentially turning character generation into a paper doll project.

You went a lot farther than I did in creating a socially complex plot; in retrospect, I probably should have gone more in that direction.

More recently, my girls (now three years older) went through a "make your own adventure" book based on the Jane Austen novels. They've also been playing computer games based on the Nancy Drew mystery series. It might be interesting to try either or both genres with the genre-independent HeroQuest 2 when that appears.


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