Re: Public relations

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 15:31:35 -0700


>From my understanding (I wasn't there), the version that was "sold" at
Continuum was only charged enough to cover the cost of printing. It was not intended as a mass publication, or to be a "Convention-only" book.

Those who got a copy of that version were playtesters, and were expected to send final revisions to David Dunham, who is collating all comments into the final version o fthe rules. As such, it does not make sense to make a PDF of not-final rules available, since David is finishing up with the revisions.

True, the review over on RPGNet gives much more information about the current (as of Continuum) state of the rules, but does not necessarily mean that those are the rules that will be published. Again, it does not behoove Moon Design to release non-final rules.

There will always be playtesters who have access to new material before the general public. This is a fact of life of the Game industry. Normally, they are asked (formally or informally) not to disclose the contents of said material, partly to forestall exactly this reaction: that some people are "priviledged" and "special" while the rest of the public are second-class citizens. Moon Design has no such view of the non-playtester public - we are sorry that it has taken so long to get HQ2 out, and that we can't give more solid information on the state of publication on this or any other particular product at this point.

I'm sorry that you're upset, but please be patient. Once the final edits are complete and the work is in layoput, the rest of the timeline will be much easier to predict.

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche

> May i say that i feel a bit irritated that we have a kind of two "class
> system" at the moment...
> There are those people who have access to the new rules and those who dont
> and will have to wait, at least till christmas, maybe even longer.
> May i remind that all the people of this list gave feedback to Robin Laws
> FOR FREE and that the people of this list and various fora, like the
> forge,
> helped to make this game what it is now, again for free.
> And after the game is out, im sure this list will help to clarify and
> develop the game AGAIN, as it did before.
> There is very little information about the game we all love and eagerly
> await to hold in our hands.
> You can get MORE information about HQ2.0 on in comparison to this
> list.
> We got details about the rules, even a preview of the excellent cover, but
> you had to be a regular guest of
> and it was my impression the yahoo lists are dedicated to the game and
> its
> fans.
> Judging from the podcast of Continuum, the authors of HQ2.0 tried to make
> a
> very good job of public relations hyping the crowd into the new edition.
> But when people from this list ask about a pdf, they get the shortest
> answer
> i can imagine.
> It all feels a bit like showing a dog a delicious bone but never let him
> close.
> Is it too much to ask for a bit of more information and a different
> attitude
> towards us fans ?

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