Re: Re: Celibate Vingans?

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 21:20:01 +1300

John Hughes:

>If the Vingan concerned has surrendered her fertility, there will be no
>offspring from the union - at least until such time as she retires from the
>cult and regains her fertility.

Considering that Vinga is a storm cult and not a death cult, I find the idea of a Vingan giving up her fertility to be misplaced. Surrendering infertility would be more appropriate for a dark earth cult.

Speaking of which I see that Babeester Gor devotees cannot bear children (HW:RiG p49). I am uncertain whether this means they can not have any children, or whether they flip out and go beserk with their axe whenever they are confronted by one. I think in the light of the two humakti philosophies concerning love (recently revealed on this forum), that the Babeester are similarly divided over this matter.

--Peter Metcalfe

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